Traditional Rug
Traditional Rug
Traditional Rug
Traditional Rug
Traditional Rug

Traditional Rug


Wrap yourself in the colours of a region with this luxury woven rug.

Made by Inter-weave in Auckland using 100% NZ wool in both a white and grey base to dye over giving us a rich depth to this bespoke woven rug. The perfect comforter for inside and out, place it at the end of your bed for a stylish splash of colour or drape it over your knees while you watch the sun go down.

Size: 2.2m x 1.6m (queen bed width)

Tartan on tartan ~ Using different fabric textures and pattern size sets, we’ve designed our collection in such a way that the products perfectly complement each other. So, if you absolutely love tartan (like we do), you can shop to your heart’s content.

Natural variations ~ Because our products are exclusively crafted in small batches and made from natural fibres that are spun, dyed, woven and filled, you might notice slight variations between items. We see these as a quality of true artisanship. We hope you do too.

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